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Dieses Dokument ist Teil einer Reihe von Studien, mit denen die unternehmerische Freiheit in verschiedene Rechtsordnungen aus rechtsvergleichender Perspektive dargestellt werden sollen. Nach einer kurzen historischen Einleitung und der Darstellung der einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften und Rechtsprechung, werden der Inhalt, die Grenzen und die mögliche Entwicklung dieser Freiheit analysiert. Die vorliegende Studie hat den Fall Deutschland zum Gegenstand. In Deutschland ist „unternehmerische Freiheit ...

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act moved close to final adoption when the European Parliament voted in favour of the text on 13 March. It will become law after the final endorsement of the Council of the European Union, making the Union the first major world power to adopt horizontal legislation governing AI. The act defines the rules for using and selling artificial intelligence systems in the EU, and regulates general-purpose AI tools such as ChatGPT and AI-based biometric surveillance. It also ...

Este documento se integra en una serie de estudios que, desde una perspectiva de Derecho Comparado, tienen como objeto el análisis de la libertad de empresa en los diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos de la Unión Europea. Tras la explicación de su normativa y jurisprudencia, se examina el contenido, los límites y su posible evolución. La Constitución española de 1978 regula la libertad de empresa dentro del Capítulo II del Título I dedicado a los “Derechos y Libertades”; concretamente, en su artículo ...

Following the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe in May 2022, it remains to be seen whether the European Union will embark on substantial Treaty reform in the future. Federalists are pushing for such reform, however, and they have organised themselves for this purpose in the European Parliament ever since Altiero Spinelli created the 'Crocodile Club' in 1980. His key role in defining and advocating a constitution for a federal Europe – from his co-authored 1941 Ventotene Manifesto ...

Jacques Delors, a passionate advocate of European integration, is widely considered to be the father of the European single market and the economic and monetary union. Previously a trade union activist, French Finance Minister, and MEP in the first directly elected European Parliament, he served three terms as the President of the European Commission, from 1985 to 1995. Jacques Delors died on 27 December 2023, aged 98. Following his death, he leaves behind a huge legacy, with numerous commentators ...

The European Parliament has, for a long time, demanded a more integrated and purposeful European foreign, security, and defence policy. It has also argued for an enhanced role for itself in this policy field. With the European Union facing multiple external challenges, it is timely to explore Parliament's long-standing demands for a more robust collective approach to issues such as defence and arms procurement. In June 1991, the European Parliament adopted the Political Affairs Committee report on ...

Questo studio fa parte di un progetto più ampio, il cui scopo è quello di analizzare, nella prospettiva del diritto comparato, i princìpi di eguaglianza e di non discriminazione in diversi Stati ed organizzazioni internazionali. Il presente studio è dedicato all'Italia. Dopo un breve inquadramento storico, vengono esaminate le norme giuridiche che hanno interessato il principio di eguaglianza, nelle sue varie forme, nella Repubblica italiana. Il punto di partenza è, ovviamente, la Costituzione, mentre ...

The European Commission's President, Ursula von der Leyen, announced on 16 February that she would soon put forward a strategy for the European defence industry, designed to strengthen military production and arms supply. Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine two years ago reignited the EU’s push towards strengthening its defence capabilities and cooperation. The European Parliament and President von der Leyen, among others, believe that the EU should strive towards establishing a fully fledged ‘ ...

Ce document s’intègre dans une série d’études qui, avec une perspective de droit comparé, visent à faire une présentation de la liberté d’entreprise dans différents ordres juridiques. Après avoir expliqué le droit positif et la jurisprudence d’application, le contenu, les limites et la possible évolution de cette liberté sont examinés. La présente étude a pour objet le cas de l’Union européenne. La liberté d’entreprise a toujours eu des effets en droit de l’Union européenne car les Communautés européennes ...

As Russia’s brutal and unprovoked war on Ukraine approaches the two-year mark in February, the front lines have remained virtually static for several months. On 17 January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Ukraine and its people to seize the initiative to help determine the course of the war and secure more extensive international support. Earlier, Zelenskyy expressed confidence that the key aid from Washington, delayed by infighting in the US Congress, would ...